Hope Hollow Hero

Hope Hollow Heroes are a group of individuals and families who support us financially on a monthly basis. We are actively seeking individuals and families that are willing to support us by committing to support us monthly.

We are asking you to prayerfully consider joining our community and giving in this way. You can sign up electronically below.

Hope Hollow Hero

Volunteers under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a chaperone at all times during their time of service. Chaperones will also have to complete a registration and application form.

What type of event would you like to volunteer at?

As a volunteer, I understand that the staff, campers, and other volunteers at Hope Hollow will depend on me to be present during the dates and times to which I commit to serving.*
What's the name of this person and your relationship to him/her? *
What's the name of this volunteer and your relationship to him/her? *
As a chaperone, I understand that the individual I will be supervising will not be permitted to volunteer unless I am present. *